Coal Combustion Bottom Ash as Microfiller with Pozzolanic Properties for Traditional Concrete

Management of coal combustion products (CCPs) has created a challenge for utilities and regulators. In many countries CCPs are classified as hazardous substances and usage of them is limited. From the other hand, the CCPs have chemical and physical properties that make them suitable for beneficial use in engineering and construction applications. Usage of CCPs in concrete industry also helps to reduce energy demand as well as CO2 emissions, for example, every ton of cement which is replaced by CCPs in the concrete production industry results in the decrease of CO2 emission in the amount of 0.7–1.2 tons. According to the presented results here is possible to decrease the price of concrete C30/37 by 10% due to usage of grinded coal combustion bottom ash and reduce amount of CO2 emission by 22.9%. © 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the Vilnius Gediminas Technical University.