Computer Conferencing in Distance Education: status and trends
One of the most frequently raised issues in Distance Education is the subject offeedback and interaction between teacher and learner and betreen student and student. The communications function of small computers has made great advances in recent years and this probably represents one of the most exciting, and most di0ficult to implement, potential breakthroughs in Distance Education. It is what turns a one-way system of learning into a two-way process of interaction. Torstein Rekkedal and Morten Flate Paulsen are probably the most knowledgeable people in Europe on the subject of Computer-Mediated Conferencing Systems. They have not only made a study of existing facilities, most of them in the United States, but have also been involved in the design and implementation of their own Computer Mediated System (EKKO), a process which gives deep insight into the advantages, and disadvantages, of the medium. Both have high-level positions at NKI in Norway, one of the more advanced high-tech Distance Education delivery organisations in Europe, and both have worked with other professional and educational organisations. They gave several presentations on this topic at the recent World Conference on Distance Education in Oslo.
[1] The Electronic University. , 1984 .
[2] Charles Steinfield,et al. Computer-mediated communication systems , 1986 .
[3] Morten Flate Paulsen. In Search of a Virtual School , 1988 .
[4] Starr Roxanne Hiltz,et al. The virtual classroom: building the foundations , 1986 .
[5] Torstein Rekkedal. The written assignments in correspondence education. Effects of reducing turn‐around time. An experimental study , 1983 .