Single-Layer Single-Patch Dual-Band and Triple-Band Patch Antennas

Recently, it was shown that a dual- or triple-band patch antenna can be designed by cutting U-slots in the patch of a broadband antenna, and the method was applied to the L-probe fed patch, the M-probe fed patch, coax-fed stacked patches, and aperture coupled stacked patches. All these cases involve either a rather complicated feed, or more than one patch, or more than one layer. In this communication, this method is applied to a broadband U-slot patch antenna. When one additional U-slot patch is cut in the patch, a dual-band antenna results. When two additional U-slot patches are cut in the patch, a triple-band antenna results. The advantages of the resultant configurations are (1) the feed is simple and (2) the structures remain single-layer and single-patch. Both simulation and measurement results are presented to demonstrate the feasibility of this design.