Convective Precipitation Variability as a Tool for General Circulation Model Analysis

Abstract Precipitation variability is analyzed in two versions of the Community Atmospheric Model (CAM), the standard model, CAM, and a “multiscale modeling framework” (MMF), in which the cumulus parameterization has been replaced with a cloud-resolving model. Probability distribution functions (PDFs) of daily mean rainfall in three geographic locations [the Amazon Basin and western Pacific in December–February (DJF) and the North American Great Plains in June–August (JJA)] indicate that the CAM produces too much light–moderate rainfall (10 ∼ 20 mm day−1), and not enough heavy rainfall, compared to observations. The MMF underestimates rain contributions from the lightest rainfall rates but correctly simulates more intense rainfall events. These differences are not always apparent in seasonal mean rainfall totals. Analysis of 3–6-hourly rainfall and sounding data in the same locations reveals that the CAM produces moderately intense rainfall as soon as the boundary layer energizes. Precipitation is also co...

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