Discharge Coefficient Measurements of Film-Cooling Holes With Expanded Exits
This paper presents the discharge coefficients of three film-cooling hole geometries tested over a wide range of flow conditions. The hole geometries include a cylindrical hole and two holes with a diffuser shaped exit portion (i.e. a fanshaped and a laidback fanshaped hole). The flow conditions considered were the crossflow Mach number at the hole entrance side (up to 0.6), the crossflow Mach number at the hole exit side (up to 1.2), and the pressure ratio across the hole (up to 2).The results show that the discharge coefficient for all geometries tested strongly depends on the flow conditions (crossflows at hole inlet and exit, and pressure ratio). The discharge coefficient of both expanded holes was found to be higher than of the cylindrical hole, particularly at low pressure ratios and with a hole entrance side crossflow applied. The effect of the additional layback on the discharge coefficient is negligible.Copyright © 1997 by ASME