Classical axially-symmetric Cassegrain and Gregorian reflectors are widely used in high-gain antenna applications. The main disadvantage of these configurations is the subreflector blockage, which causes a number of deleterious effects. However, this problem can be reduced by decreasing the main-reflector radiation toward the subreflector. This may be accomplished either by shaping both reflectors or by using alternative classical configurations. This work considers the second option by presenting, in an unified way, generalized classical axially-symmetric configurations that prevent, from a geometrical optics (GO) stand point, the main-reflector scattered energy from striking the subreflector surface. Starting from initial design variables, closed-form expressions are derived for the relevant surface parameters, as well as for the corresponding aperture field distributions. These expressions can be used as effective design tools to determine the final antenna geometry or even to establish an initial configuration for a shaping procedure.
P. Hannan,et al.
Microwave antennas derived from the cassegrain telescope
W. Rotman,et al.
Compact dual frequency reflector antennas for EHF mobile satellite communication terminals
R. Kouyoumjian,et al.
A uniform geometrical theory of diffraction for an edge in a perfectly conducting surface
W. Rusch.
Scattering from a hyperboloidal reflector in a cassegrainian feed system
V. Galindo,et al.
Design of dual-reflector antennas with arbitrary phase and amplitude distributions
S. L. Johns,et al.
An improved raised-cosine feed model for reflector antenna applications
Proceedings of IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium and URSI National Radio Science Meeting.
Emil Wolf,et al.
Principles of Optics: Contents
S. Silver.
Microwave antenna theory and design