An analysis of MUSIC, ESPRIT and root-MUSIC Direction of Arrival estimation techniques in Smart Antennas
Smart Antennas are a core part of modern wireless communication systems owing to the ever increasing demands on network capacity. Smart Antennas are essentially spatial filters en-compassing antenna array structures and beamforming techniques aimed at optimizing radiation/ reception in a wireless communication link. A variety of beamforming techniques rely on knowledge of the Directions of Arrival (DoAs) of desired and interfering signals. Methods that have been proposed in literature to keep track of mobile DoAs include MUltiple SIgnal Classification (MUSIC), Estimation of Signal Parameter via Rotational Invariance Technique (ESPRIT) androot-MUSIC. This paper essentially seeks to analyze the performanceof the three listed DoA estimation methods from the point of view of varying: Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR), antenna array size and do Aangular separation. MATLAB software environment is used as themain analysis tool. Keywords—Direction of Arrival, ESPRIT, MUSIC, root-MUSIC, Smart Antenna