
LAMB'S text-book has long been the chief storehouse of information of all workers in hydrodynamics. One may note that the interval between the first and second editions was 16 years, and that successive editions have followed at intervals of 11, 10, and now 8 years respectively. Perhaps the steady decrease is to be attributed to the development of interest in the subject, which has during the last ten years come into closer relation with experience than the most optimistic student could have anticipated previously. In any case, the fifth edition is welcome, for it contains not only all the good features of its predecessors, but also most valuable accounts of recent discoveries. Dr. Lamb's alertness to modern advances may be estimated from the fact that ten entries relating to Prof. G. I. Taylor occur in the index. Abundant references to original papers are given in the footnotes.Hydrodynamics.By Dr. Horace Lamb. Fifth edition. Pp. xvi + 687. (Cambridge: At the University Press, 1924.) 45s. net.