The Automorphism Group of an Arithmetically Saturated Model of Peano Arithmetic

One of the main goals in the study of the automorphism group Aut {Jt) of a countable, recursively saturated model Jt of Peano Arithmetic is to determine to what extent (the isomorphism type of) Jt is recoverable from (the isomorphism type of) Aut(^). A countable, recursively saturated model Jt of PA is characterized up to isomorphism by two invariants: its first-order theory Th(^ ) and its standard system SSy {Jt). At present, there seems to be no indication of how to recover any information about Th {Jt) from Aut {Jt) with the exception of whether or not Th {Jt) is True Arithmetic. We define the notion of arithmetically saturated in Definition 1.7; however, a model Jt of PA is arithmetically saturated if and only if it is recursively saturated and the standard cut is a strong cut. The following is our main theorem.