This guidebook presents a methodology that uses performance measures common to various transportation modes to perform simplified corridor/project analyses. Evaluation of performance across alternatives and modes is done through a series of manual worksheets by applying an approach based on five core areas including measures of mobility, agency cost, safety, user costs, and air quality. The evaluation can be limited to an analysis based on measures of effectiveness (MOE) or completed to include a measure of economic efficiency. To calculate the measures for each of the core areas, the analyst must describe the corridor or project to be analyzed, conceptualize the alternatives to be examined, collect baseline data pertinent to those alternatives and the chosen analysis framework, and aggregate the corridor into logical segments. For cases where some local data are unavailable, the guidebook includes a series of reference tables with default and average values for variables and parameters involved in the evaluation. After the MOEs under the baseline, No-build, and alternative conditions for each analysis year are summarized, the analyst can employ a multi-criteria ranking approach to select the best alternative action based on performance measures or perform an economic efficiency analysis.