Comparison of advanced discretization techniques for image-based modelling of heterogeneous porous rocks

This contribution presents an assessment of computational techniques enabling automated simulations of complex porous rocks microstructures based on 3D imaging techniques. A subset of a CT-scanned sandstone sample is used to compare the results obtained by two advanced discretization frameworks. Raw scan results are processed by a level-set-based segmentation technique to produce smooth geometries prone to finite element discretizations. A recently developed technique is outlined for conforming mesh generation for complex porous geometries described implicitly by functions. This allows generating high-quality tetrahedral meshes with selective refinement. Next to this, a technique that uses a kinematic enrichment by incompatible modes to represent the heterogeneous geometry is explained. Both techniques use the same implicit geometry as main input for the simulations. Mechanical simulations are conducted on a subset of a scanned sample of a sandstone under triaxial loading conditions for isotropic compressive loading and for loading conditions involving a stress deviator. The results are compared and discussed based on local stress distributions and on a Mohr–Coulomb criterion with tensile cut-off. The results show that both discretization strategies yield complementary tools and allow envisioning automated simulations based on raw CT scan data for porous rocks exhibiting complex pore space morphologies.

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