Flight Test Results for an Autonomous Formation Flight Control System Flight Test Results for an Autonomous Flight Test Results for an Autonomous Formation Flight Control System Formation Flight Control System

The first flight test phase of the NASA Dryden Autonomous Formation Flight project successfully demonstrated precision autonomous station keeping of two F/A-18 research aircraft. State information from both aircraft was used to provide relative position estimates to a precision formation position control system that controlled lateral and vertical spacing. Position corrections were solely made by the trailing aircraft while the leading aircraft operated under production autopilot control. Four position control system gain sets were designed and flight tested and each exceeded the project's design requirements of steady state tracking accuracy within one standard deviation of ten feet. Performance was also demonstrated using single and multiple axis inputs such as step comm ands and frequency sweeps. This report briefly describes the research systems employed and discusses the navi gation, guidance and control algorithms that were flight tested. Flight test results of the autonomous formation control system during steady-state tracking and maneuvering flight are presented.