Antiterrorism and Threat Response: Planning and Implementation
Some Thoughts on Terrorism and Government Why Do Governments React So Strongly to Terrorism? Public Fear and National Risk The Monopoly on Violence Hijacking the Agenda You Have to Pay to Play Terrorism and Risk The Target Community Critical Infrastructure Actual Target History Categories of Targets Types of Attacks The Islamist Project and Al Qaeda Ecoterrorism Target: North America Target: Western Europe Target: Eastern Europe Target: Australasia and Oceania The Role of the Target Community Terrorism What Is Terrorism? Strengths of Terrorist Groups Weaknesses of Terrorist Groups Anatomy of a Terrorist Group Terrorist Cell Organization Terrorist Incident Anatomy Broad Target Selection Intelligence Gathering and Surveillance Specific Target Selection Preattack Surveillance and Planning Attack Preparation and Rehearsal Actions on the Objective Escape and Exploitation Today's Terrorist Threat Terrorist Methods Vulnerability Counterterrorism Definitions Intelligence Leads the Way Analytical Tools Pattern Analysis Wheel Time-Event Charting Matrix Manipulation Association Matrix Activities Matrix Link Analysis Working with Counterterrorism Forces Antiterrorism Planning The Fundamentals Threat Vulnerability Assessment Risk Formula Threat Assessment Process Vulnerability Assessment TVA Tools A Few Other Things to Keep in Mind Converting Information into Intelligence, or So What? The Internet The Revolution in Social Media Don't Learn the Wrong Lessons Security Measures The Design of Security Measures Security Measures-An Example What about Guns? U.S. Military Basic THREATCON Procedures Observation Planning The Seven Signs of Terrorist Activity Automated Systems Surveillance Surveillance Detection Static Surveillance Detection Facility Vulnerability Assessment Surveillance Detection Plan How Surveillance Detection Works Mobile Surveillance Detection Foot Surveillance Detection GPS Tracking Writing an Observation Plan Verification of your Observation Plan Mobile Patrol Pattern Analysis Random Antiterrorism Measures Violence and Crime RAMs in a Low-Threat Environment Response Planning Communications Suspected Surveillance Actual or Suspected Sabotage Active Shooter Fire or Explosion Protesters Illegally Parked or Abandoned Vehicle Outside the Perimeter Illegally Parked or Abandoned Vehicle Inside the Perimeter Hostage Taking Kidnapping Vehicle Accident on the Perimeter Suspicious or Unusual Incident Bomb Threat Hoax Call to First Responders Putting It All Together A Framework for Corporate Security Example Threat Response Plan-Industrial Facility Part 1: Threat and Vulnerability Assessment Construction Phase Part 2: Security Measures Low Medium High Imminent Part 3: Observation Plan Verification Plan Part 4: Random Antiterrorism Measures Facility Random Antiterrorism Measures Part 5: Response Plans Part 6: Training and Review Training and Review Plan Infrastructure Protection Zones Threat Response Planning Maritime Antipiracy Operations Resources Characteristics of Maritime Pirates Piracy Threat Vulnerability Assessments Antipiracy Security Measures Individual Threat Response Planning Residential Security Planning Threat Vulnerability Assessment Security Measures Physical Logical Procedural Observation Planning Random Deterrence Measures Response Planning Travel Security Planning Threat Vulnerability Assessment Kidnapping Confidentiality Travel Security Programs Infectious Diseases Safety Security Measures Observation Plan Random Antiterrorism Measures Response Plans Insider Threats Background Checks Credit Checks Ethics Hotlines "It Couldn't Happen Here" Access Control Afterword Glossary Index