Overview of MUC-7
Abstract : The tasks performed by the systems participating in the seventh Message Understanding Conference and the Second Multilingual Entity Task are described here in general terms with examples. On the level of entity extraction, Named Entities (NE) were defined as proper names and quantities of interest. Person, organization, and location names were marked as well as dates, times, percentages, and monetary amounts. The annotation was SGML within the text stream. An example from MUC-7 (New York Times News Service) in English follows. The ENAMEX TYPE=LOCATIONU.K./ENAMEX satellite television broadcaster said its subscriber base grew NUMEX TYPE=PERCENT17.5 percent/NUMEX during TIMEX TYPE=DATEthe past year/TIMEX to 5.35 million The Named Entity task was carried out in Chinese and Japanese (MET-2) concurrently with English (MUC-7).