Laboratory Experiment in the Context of Distance Learning
A number of problems arose during the implementation of the educational process in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic and the transition of universities to distance learning. Some of them are the implementation of the practical part of the physics program and the organization of students' independent work. For a partial solution of these problems, we offer a developed computer simulation on the topic "Studying Stokes's Law". As the development of professional competencies by future programmers, the students were offered the idea of creating this program. The simulation is broken up with the help of C ++ programming and the.Net Core framework in the Visual Studio IDE. The program interface is quite simple and user-friendly, contains 10 options. The theoretical data for the variants are selected in such a way as not to violate the logic of the physical process. Also, the program provides for safety conditions if a student enters incorrect data. In addition, a real laboratory setup was created. With its help, we checked the correctness of the results that the computer simulation gives. A separate task was to master the skills of processing experimental data using the Microsoft Excel environment. We found that the values of the viscosity of the liquid, which were obtained experimentally and with the help of computer simulation, practically coincide, the calculation error was 5-10%. © 2020 Copyright for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).