Perspectives on Arabic linguistics I : papers from the First Annual Symposium on Arabic Linguistics

1. Preface 2. 1. Overview 3. Arabic linguistics: The current scene (by Eid, Mushira) 4. "Come forth with a Surah like it": Arabic as a measure of Arab society (by Ferguson, Charles A.) 5. 2. Grammatical prespectives 6. Sound plural and broken plural assignment in classical Arabic (by Abd-Rabbo, Mohamad Z.) 7. The problem of subject-verb agreement in Arabic: towards a solution (by Mohammad, Mohammad A.) 8. Word order and proper government in classical Arabic (by Majdi, Basim) 9. Bound anaphora in Egyptian Arabic (by Osman, Mariam H.) 10. Time reference, tense, and formal aspect in Cairene Arabic (by Eisele, John C.) 11. 3. Textual analysis perspectives 12. 'Orality' and discourse structure in modern standard Arabic (by Johnstone, Barbara) 13. Loss of nominal case endings in the modern Arabic dialects: evidence from Palestinian Christian middle Arabic texts (by Gruber-Miller, Ann M.) 14. 4. Psycholinguistic perspectives 15. Bilingual linguistic memory (by Tel, Shadia A.) 16. Slips of the tongue in Arabic (by Safi-Stagni, Sabah) 17. Index of subjects