Reconstructing edge-disjoint paths

For an undirected graph G=(V,E), the edge connectivity values between every pair of nodes of G can be succinctly recorded in a flow-equivalent tree that contains the edge connectivity value for a linear number of pairs of nodes. We generalize this result to show how we can efficiently recover a maximum set of disjoint paths between any pair of nodes of G by storing such sets for a linear number of pairs of nodes. At the heart of our result is an observation that combining two flow solutions of the same value, one between nodes s and r and the second between nodes r and t, into a feasible flow solution of value f between nodes s and t, is equivalent to solving a stable matching problem on a bipartite multigraph. Our observation, combined with an observation of Chazelle, leads to a data structure, which takes O(n^3^.^5) time to generate, that can construct the maximum number @l(u,v) of edge-disjoint paths between any pair (u,v) of nodes in time O(@a(n,n)@l(u,v)n) time.