Stimulation of maturation of large immature histamine-containing basophilic cells from human peripheral blood, cord blood and bone marrow.

The development of FcR epsilon-bearing histamine-containing basophilic cells was studied in cultures of peripheral blood leucocytes and bone marrow leucocytes from normal individuals. The determination of basophilic cells was performed blindly. Before cultivation there were fairly similar numbers of basophilic cells in the samples from the three different sources (1.6 +/- 1.6 n = 13; 1.4 +/- 2.0 n = 21; 4.3 +/- 4.7 n = 8, respectively). During cultivation spontaneously appearing large blast-like basophilic cells were seen in good correspondence with a formation of histamine in the cultures (Spearman rank correlation coefficient = 0.9135, n = 13, P less than 0.001). This was more accentuated with bone marrow cells than with peripheral blood and cord blood cells. Conditioned medium (CM) was prepared from cells isolated from various tissues and stimulated by different means, e.g. peripheral blood from atopic individuals stimulated with allergen and unstimulated tonsil cells. Addition of the CM resulted in increased development of histamine-containing basophilic cells. Optimum stimulation was achieved with 10% CM. The basophilic stimulation by CM, as assessed as indices vs. unstimulated cultures, was more accentuated in cultures of peripheral blood cells than of bone marrow and cord blood cells (2.8 +/- 1.2; 1.8 +/- 0.5; 2.0 +/- 0.4, respectively). In contrast, the histamine formation was particularly evident in stimulated cultures of bone marrow cells, where more than four-fold increases of histamine were found. In bone marrow cells the histamine levels per basophilic cell also increased, whereas this was not the case in cord blood cells. A pronounced development of basophilic cells was achieved when using leukoagglutinin, provided the mitogen in the CM was eliminated. The formation of basophilic cells was prevented with mitomycin c and cycloheximide. In conclusion, the system described may provide important information on the development of histamine-containing basophilic cells at various maturation stages from different compartments, and mechanisms in a developing atopic disease.