A Formalization of Commonsense Reasoning Based on Fuzzy Logic

The basic idea underlying the approach outlined in this paper is that commonsense knowledge may be regarded as a collection of dispositions, that is, propositions which are preponderantly, but not necessarily always, true. Technically, a disposition may be interpreted as a proposition with implicit fuzzy quantifiers, e.g., most, almost all, usually, often etc. For example, a disposition such as Swedes are blond may be interpreted as most Swedes are blond For purposes of inference from commonsense knowledge, the conversion of a disposition into a proposition with explicit fuzzy quantifiers sets the stage for an application of syllogistic reasoning in which the premises are allowed to be of the form Q A’s are B’s whereA and B are fuzzy predicates and Q is a fuzzy quantifier. In general, the conclusion yielded by such reasoning is a proposition which may be converted into a disposition through the suppression of fuzzy quantifiers.