An Act Making appropriations for the Department of the Interior and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1977, and for other purposes
The sum of $82,106,000 is appropriated for necessary expenses of the Smithsonian including: research in the fields of art, science, and history; development, preservation, and documentation of the National Collections; presentation of public exhibits and performances; collection, preparation, dissemination, and exchange of information and publications; conduct of education, training, and museum assistance programs; maintenance, alteration, operation, and protection of buildings and facilities; purchase or rental of two motor vehicles; and purchase, rental, repair, and cleaning of uniforms for employees. The sum of $3,481,000 is appropriated for payments in foreign currencies, which the Treasury Department shall determine to be excess to the normal requirements of the U.S., for necessary expenses for carrying out museum programs, scientific and cultural research, and related educational activities. The sum of $1,000,000 shall be available for the salvage of archeological sites on the Island of Philae. For necessary expenses of the Science information Exchange, $1,900,000 is provided. The sum of $6,580,000 is appropriated for the expenses of planning, construction, remodeling, and equipping of buildings and facilities at the National Zoological Park. The sum of $2,950,000 is provided for the restoration and renovation of buildings owned or occupied by the Smithsonian Institution. The sum of $12,309,000 is appropriated for the upkeep and operations of the National Gallery of Art including: protection and care of works of art; administrative expenses; payment in advance when authorized by the treasurer of the Gallery for membership in library, museum, and art associations or societies whose publications or services are available to members only, or to members at a price lower than to the general public; purchase, repair, and cleaning of uniforms for guards and elevator operators; purchase or rental of devices and services for protecting buildings and contents; maintenance, alteration, improvement, and repair of buildings and grounds; and not to exceed $70,000 for restoration and repair of works of art. For the expenses necessary in carrying out the provisions of the Woodrow Wilson Memorial Act of 1968 (82 Stat. 1356), including hire of passenger vehicles, the sum of $1,120,000 is provided.