Fuzzy based Stable Clustering Protocol forHeterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks

In this paper a novel Fuzzy based Stable Clustering Protocol (FSCP)for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network (WSN)is proposed. The major focus of protocol is on network coverage and lifetime enhancement. It is observed that not only energy of sensor nodes but also the cluster headsdistancesaffect both network coverage and network lifetime. In this protocol, fuzzy logic with cluster head update rule is implemented to improve network coverage, throughput and network lifetime under multilevel heterogeneous network. For optimum number of cluster heads, probabilities of cluster heads are decided by fuzzy logic in which fuzzy logicselects CHs which have plenty of energy and satisfy distance criteria. Along this CH update rule also removes the unfavorable scenario of no CHs.These two factors, fuzzy logic and CH update rule better enhances the network performance when it is compared with LEACH, SEP, DEEC and EDCS protocol. Through simulation, it is justified that network coverage is improved by 17.50 % than EDCS protocol.