New forms of learning for vocational education: mobile learning - social learning - game-based learning

Job-related continuing education and life-long learning increasingly require employees to take the initiative and learn more independently. To complement this development, forms of learning are emerging which can be used flexibly and which facilitate any-time, any-place interac tion and communication. Leading market research and consultancy firms see great development and growth potential, particularly in mobile and cooperative learning, over the next few years. Key examples of the new learning trends of relevance to initial and continuing vocational education and training (IVET and CVET) are mobile learn ing, social learning and game-based learning. According to an online survey conducted as part of the 2011 MMB study, a survey of 76 experts from Germany, Austria and Switzerland, these forms of learning will gain much more ground in company-based IVET and CVET in the foreseeable future (cf. Figure). These trends are not only the most significant, but account for the highest growth as well as the strongest demand.