Colour PerceptionMind and the physical world

Preface 1. Perspectives on colour space Commentaries: From physics to perception through colorimetry: a bridge too far? Colorimetry fortified 2. Light adaptation, contrast adaptation, and human colour vision Commentary: Adaptation and the ambiguity of response measures with respect to internal structure 3. Contrast colours Commentaries: A background to colour vision Contrast coding and what else? 4. Colour and the processing of chromatic information Commentary: The processing of chromatic information 5. The pleistochrome: optimal opponent codes for natural colours Commentary: Thinking outside the black box 6. Objectivity and subjectivity revisited: colour as a psychobiological property Commentary: Why is this game still being played? 7. A computational analysis of colour constancy Commentary: The importance of realistic models of surface and light in the study of human colour vision 8. Backgrounds and illuminants: the yin and yang of colour constancy Commentaries: Colour construction Fitting linear models to data 9. Surface colour perception and environmental constraints Commentaries: On the function of colour vision Intrinsic colours - and what it is like to see them 10. Colour constancy: developing empirical tests of computational models Commentaries: Surface colour perception and its environments Comparing the behaviour of machine vision algorithms and human observers 11. The illuminant estimation hypothesis and surface colour perception Commentary: Surface colour appearance in nearly natural images 12. The interaction of colour and motion Commentary: The interaction of perceived colour and perceived motion 13. 'Colour' as part of the format of different perceptual primitives: The dual coding of colour Commentaries: Phenomenology and mechanism An internalist account of colour 14. The importance of errors in perception 15. Avoiding errors about error Commentaries: Deconstructing the concept of error? Talking across the divide On the veridicality of lightness perception 16. The place of colour in nature Commentaries: Asking about the nature of colour Who dictates what is real Index