Essentials of Behavioral Research: Methods and Data Analysis

PART I: EMPIRICAL INQUIRY AND DECISION CRITERIACHAPTER 1: The Nature of Behavioral ResearchCHAPTER 2: Development and Testing of Research IdeasCHAPTER 3: Standards of Reliability and ValidityPART II: NATURE AND LIMITATIONS OF CONTROL PROCEDURESCHAPTER 4: Structure and Logic of Experimental DesignsCHAPTER 5: Models of Quasi-Experimental DesignsCHAPTER 6: Subject-Experimenter Artifacts and Their ControlPART III: DATA COLLECTION AND MEASUREMENT PROCEDURESCHAPTER 7: Further Strategies for Gathering DataCHAPTER 8: Systematic Observation, Unobtrusive Measures, and Rating FormatsCHAPTER 9: Interviews, Questionnaires, and Self-Recorded DiariesPART IV: BASIC ISSUES IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF RESEARCHCHAPTER 10: Considerations in the Selection of Subjects and StimuliCHAPTER 11: Ethics and Values in Human Subject ResearchCHAPTER 12: Systematic Pluralism and Statistical Data AnalysisPART V: FUNDAMENTALS OF DATA ANALYSISCHAPTER 13: Describing and Displaying DataCHAPTER 14: CorrelationCHAPTER 15: Comparing MeansPART VI: MORE ON ANALYSIS OF VARIANCECHAPTER 16: Factorial Design of ExperimentsCHAPTER 17: Interaction EffectsCHAPTER 18: Repeated-Measures DesignsPART VII: POWER AND FOCUSED ANALYSESCHAPTER 19: Assessing and Increasing PowerCHAPTER 20: Blocking and the Increase of PowerCHAPTER 21: Contrast Analysis: An IntroductionPART VIII: ADDITIONAL TOPICS IN DATA ANALYSISCHAPTER 22: Meta-Analysis: Comparing and Combining ResultsCHAPTER 23: Chi-Square and the Analysis of TablesCHAPTER 24: Multivariate Procedures