P-type Si-nanowire-based Field-effect Transistors for Electric Detection of a Biomarker: Matrix Metalloproteinase-9
We studied the electric detection of a biomarker by using p-type Si-nanowire-based field-effect transistors (FETs) for biological applications. A combination of electron-beam lithography and a lift-off process was utilized to fabricate individual 50-nm-thick Si nanowire FETs. The gatedependent I − VSD curves revealed that the conductance of a Si-nanowire FET increased with increasing negative VG. The conductance of the Si nanowire FET depended upon the existence of negatively charged streptavidin binding to a biotin with a peptide and Matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9), cutting the peptide. Our results suggest that Si-nanowire FETs can be used to detect MMP-9 activity.
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