Low power system-on-chip FPAs
Rockwell Scientific's 3rd generation FPAs and sensor chip assemblies (SCA) are complete imaging systems-on-chip for IR and visible cameras. They provide 12-bit to 16-bit digital video at very low power consumption in hybrid and monolithic configurations. A 1936 by 1088 i-SoC with 5μm pixel pitch performs stand-alone visible imaging and a related application-specific integrated circuit supports SCAs. The former generates high-definition video at 30 Hz with <30 e-read noise, -80 dB fixed pattern noise and up to 70dB dynamic range at standard 2/3 inch optical format. When coupled to a fiber optic faceplate with micro-channel plate, the i-SoC for HDTV is believed the first for low-light-level HDTV imaging with 12-bit output at <200 mW. The latter, currently being developed to revolutionize space-and ground-based astronomy, is optimized for HAWAII-2RG 2048×2048 FPAs to provide 16-bit video at approximately 10mW for 10 Mbps imaging. The ASIC will help build very large mosaics for next-generation telescope sensors.