An assessment of distribution system power quality. Volume 3: The library of distribution system power quality monitoring case studies
The Library of Distribution System Power Quality Monitoring Case Studies is provided to EPRI member utilities to assist in distribution system power quality single event analyses. As competition continues to increase within the industry, distribution utilities will be forced to offer the highest quality customer service. Furthermore, with the inevitability of premium service contracts, quick and accurate analysis and mitigation of power quality disturbances by those utilities providing these services will be essential. The utilities and customers who enter into special service contracts will have to monitor the quality of the power provided at the point of common coupling between the two entities in order to verify that all contractual obligations are met. The data available to the utility from such monitoring should be similar to the data collected as part of the extensive EPRI distribution system monitoring effort known as the Distribution Power Quality (DPQ) Project (RP3098-01). This effort consisted of approximately 300 distribution monitoring points on 24 EPRI host utilities systems over a period of slightly more than two years. Gigabytes of both steady-state and disturbance data were recorded and analyzed in order to statistically assess the general state of distribution power quality throughout the continental United States.more » Although the scope of the study was to develop an aggregate assessment of power quality in general, DPQ also offers the most inclusive study of single event distribution power quality disturbances to date.« less