Strengthening Layout Using FRP in Industrial Masonry Chimneys under Earthquake Load

Industrial masonry chimneys usually are considered as historical heritage since they remind the industrial revolution that took placed by the XIX century, shaping a particular landscape in many cities, what led many Town Halls to protect them as cultural heritage. In this work an assessment of the seismic vulnerability is performed to check the structural integrity according to a return period of 500 years. Detailed geometrical investigations took place and dynamic tests performed with the goal to obtain natural frequencies and structural damping using four seismic accelerometers at different heights and orientations. From the experimental results a numerical model has been calibrated adjusting numerical frequencies to match those experimentally obtained. Artificial accelerograms were generated specialized for the city of Valencia and the crack pattern was obtained corresponding to a return period of 500 years. After these analyses the model of the chimney was strengthened using strips of FRP and the calculations repeated to obtain the reinforced achieved regarding seismic vulnerability. Conclusions related to these calculations are outlined.