Methods Of Tissue Engineering

Contributors. Foreward. Preface. SECTION I: METHODS FOR CELL AND TISSUE CULTURE Regulatory Issues and Standardization. Cell Isolation and Selection. Maintenance of Primary and Early Passage Cultures. Cell Quantitation and Characterization. Adventitious Agents and Chemical Toxicity. Culture Environments: Cell-Polymer-Bioreactor Systems. Culture Environments: Microarrays. Culture Environments: Micropatterned Cell Cultures and Cocultures. Epithelial Cell Culture: Cornea. Epithelial Cell Culture: Breast. Liver Cell Culture and Lineage Biology. Epithelial Cell Culture: Pancreatic Islets. Epithelial Cell Culture: Tracheal Gland Cells. Epithelial Cell Culture: Kidney. Epithelial Cell Culture: Gastrointestinal Tract. Epithelial Cell Culture: Urothelium. Epithelial Cell Culture: Prostate. Epithelial Cell Culture: Three-Dimensional Cervical System. Epithelial Cell Culture: Vaginal Cell Reconstruction. Mesenchymal Cell Culture: Adipose Tissue. Mesenchymal Cell Culture: Smooth Muscle. Mesenchymal Cell Culture: Cardiac-Derived Muscle Cells. Mesenchymal Cell Culture: Functional Mammalian Skeletal Muscle Constructs. Mesenchymal Cell Culture: Instrumentation and Methods for Evaluating Engineered Muscle. Mesenchymal Cell Culture: Cartilage. Mesenchymal Cell Culture: Bone. Mesenchymal Cell Culture: Endothelial Cell Tissue Engineering. Mesenchymal Cell Culture: Blood Vessels. Neuroectodermal Cell Culture: Endocrine Cells. Neuroectodermal Cell Culture: Glia and Neurons. Gonad Cell Culture: Testis. Gonad Cell Culture: Ovarian Cells. Stem Cell Culture: Pluripotent Stem Cells. Stem Cell Culture: Neural Stem Cells. Stem Cell Culture: Liver Stem Cells. Stem Cell Culture: Muscle Stem Cells. Stem Cell Culture: Endothelial Progenitor Cells for Regeneration. Stem Cell Culture: Mesenchymal Stem Cells From Bone Marrow. Stem Cell Culture: Chondrogenic Stem Cells. Stem Cell Culture: Hematopoietic Stem Cells. Stem Cell Culture: Lymphoid Cells. SECTION II: METHODS FOR CELL DELIVERY VEHICLES Modification of Natural Polymers: Collagen. Modification of Natural Polymers: Collagen-Glycosaminoglycan Copolymers. Modification of Natural Polymers: Albumin. Modification of Natural Polymers: Hyaluronic Acid. Modification of Natural Polymers: Fibrinogen-Fibrin. Modification of Natural Polymers: Chitosan. Polymers Biosynthesized by Microorganisms: Polyhydroxyalkanoates. Synthesis of Synthetic Polymers: Aliphatic Carbonate-Based Polymers. Synthesis of Synthetic Polymers: Dioxanone- and Dioxepanone-Based Polymers. Synthesis of Synthetic Polymers: Polyphosphazenes. Synthesis of Synthetic Polymers: Poly(Anhydrides). Synthesis of Synthetic Polymers: Poly(Ortho Esters). Synthesis of Synthetic Polymers: Poly(Amino Acids). Synthesis of Synthetic Polymers: Poly(Propylene Fumarate). Synthesis of Hydrogels: Alginate Hydrogels. Synthesis of Hydrogels: Environmentally Sensitive Hydrogels Based on N-Isopropylacrylamide. Processing of Polymer Scaffolds: Solvent Casting. Processing of Polymer Scaffolds: Membrane Lamination. Processing of Polymer Scaffolds: Freeze-Drying. Processing of Polymer Scaffolds: Polymer-Ceramic Composite Forms. Processing of Polymer Scaffolds: Phase Separation. Processing of Polymer Scaffolds: Polymerization. Processing of Polymer Scaffolds: Gas Foam Processing. Cell-Synthetic Surface Interactions: Self-Assembling Biomaterials. Cell-Synthetic Surface Interactions: Targeted Cell Adhesion. Cell-Synthetic Surface Interactions: Physiochemical Surface Modification. Microencapsulation Methods: Agarose-PSSa. Microencapsulation Methods: Alginate (CA2+-Induced Gelation). Microencapsulation Methods: Alginate-Poly(L-Lysine). Microencapsulation Methods: Alginate-Poly(Lysine)-Poly(Ethyleneimine)-Protamine Sulfate-Heparin. Microencapsulation Methods: Glycosaminoglycans and Chitosan. Microencapsulation Methods: Polyacrylates. Microencapsulation Methods: Poly(Vinyl Alcohol) (PVA). Microencapsulation Methods: PMCG Capsules. Microencapsulation Methods: Chitosan and Alginate. SECTION III: METHODS FOR ENGINEERING CELLS AND TISSUES Fetal Cell Culture. Breast Reconstruction. Blood Vessel Substitute. Small-Diameter Vascular Grafts. Cardiac Tissue. Cardiac Valves and Arteries. Cornea. Alimentary Tract. Monitoring Metabolic Activity and Differentiated Function in a Bioartificial Liver Device. Blood Cell Substitutes. Liver. Extracorporeal Kidney. Intracorporeal Kidney. Urethral Tissue. Penis. Testes. Cartilage Recontruction. Phalanges and Small Joints. Meniscus. Cell-Based Therapies for the Treatment of Articular Cartilage Injury. Cell-Based Therapies for Bulking Agents. Myoblast Transplantation. Skeletal Muscle. Vision Enhancement Systems. CNS Grafts for Treatment of Neurological Disorders. Peripheral Nerve Regeneration. Spinal Cord. Cryopreserved Dermal Implants. Bilayered Skin Constructs. Uterus. Jawbone. Periodontal Applications. Author Index. Subject Index.