On the convective mechanism for formation of the plasma sheet in the magnetospheric tail

Abstract Calculation of stationary distributions of the most important plasma parameters (particle energy, density, field-aligned and transversal pressure) is performed for a model magnetotail plasma sheet which is formed by convecting plasma mantle particles injected into the closed geomagnetic field line tubes. Computations have been done for two convection models: (i) a model of completely adiabatic particle motion with conservation of the first two invariants and (ii) a model with a strong pitch-angle diffusion which maintains isotropy. It is found that in both cases the heating and compression of the plasma are somewhat more effective than is necessary to account for the observed gradients of magnetic field in the magnetospheric tail. A leakage of accelerated particles through the dawn and dusk edges of the plasma sheet is proposed as a possible mechanism for maintenance of stationary convection in the magnetotail. The question of the dependence of the stationary magnetotail parameters on the solar wind state is discussed briefly.