In current networks, large flows often co-exist with small flows and consume a significant proportion of the network bandwidth. This imposes a challenge on network resource management. Various hybrid switching architectures have been proposed in recent years aiming to address this challenge and improve efficiency and resource utilization. However, there is still a need for means for design and dimensioning of resources among multiple switching planes. In this work, we first argue that the resource allocation in hybrid switching systems is fact the interaction between three components: resource allocation, traffic partitioning and performance (or cost) constraints. We then introduce a framework called Blocking-LOss Curve (BLOC) to address the resource allocation problem in hybrid switching systems. BLOC can capture the behavior of hybrid switching systems under different resource allocation strategies. This framework also allows us to identify the feasible region for resource allocation, within which performance metrics like the packet loss and request blocking requirements can be satisfied. An optimal resource allocation strategy may be found based on the feasible region. We also discuss the application of BLOC in hybrid switching Data Center networks.
Amin Vahdat,et al.
Hedera: Dynamic Flow Scheduling for Data Center Networks
Paul J. Kühn,et al.
Hybrid optical network architectures: bringing packets and circuits together
IEEE Communications Magazine.
Konstantina Papagiannaki,et al.
c-Through: part-time optics in data centers
Amin Vahdat,et al.
Helios: a hybrid electrical/optical switch architecture for modular data centers
Antonio Pescapè,et al.
Issues and future directions in traffic classification
IEEE Network.