Abstract : An investigation of personality characteristics associated with favorable adjustment to northern isolated living, and the usefulness of psychological tests in the selection of personnel for northern posting. 197 electronic technicians already screened on other psychological tests completed MMPI. Edwards Personal and Brainard Preference tests, and General Information and Arctic Interest questionnaires prior to 1 year of isolation duty on the Mid- Canada Line. Adequacy of work and social adjustment was associated with 11 of 35 test variables and 3 of 26 questionnaire items. The discriminating function of the MMPI was reduced by the use of the K correction. It was suggested that despite the highly select nature of the sample used, the test battery has potential value in the selection of civilians to work in the far north. (Author)
Sells Sb.
Development of a personality test battery for psychiatric screening of flying personnel.
Bruce Quarrington,et al.
Edwards Personal Preference Schedule
Sells Sb.
Further developments on adaptability screening of flying personnel.
Ewart E. Smith.
Defensiveness, insight, and the K scale.
A research note on the K scale of the MMPI and deensiveness.
Journal of clinical psychology.
Mental health in the North.
Heilbrun Ab.
The psychological significance of the MMPI K scale in a normal population.