Game Design Perspectives

From the Publisher: Everyone has their own idea of what good game design is, and this unique collection of articles provides a variety of different perspectives and ideas to consider in your designs. The articles are written by a diverse group of designers with varying levels of experience. Most of the key areas of game design are covered, and practical techniques and tools are included throughout. Each section begins with a broad overview of the topic and then includes a collection of ideas from other designers on how they think about or approach the subject. If you are just beginning in game design, you'll find useful information throughout the book, and if you're an experienced designer, you'll find new ideas to complement and compare with your own designs. Producers and managers will also benefit from the user community and managing a game development business sections. If you're interested in learning how other designers think about game design, you'll find plenty of great, and sometimes controversial, ideas to consider here! What you'll learn from this book: An overview of how to write effective game design documents Insightful tips and techniques from a variety of game designers Practical ideas about game design theory Key design issues for a variety of genres (e.g., turn-based games, multiplayer) and platforms (e.g., wireless, ITV) New ideas for character and story development, including screenwriting techniques for games Useful information on designing for different types of communities (e.g. online, female, children) Some of the key aspects of managing a game development business