Human performance technology from taylor's scientific management to gilbert's behavior engineering model

A central aim of human performance technology (HPT) practice is to produce desirable results that are valuable to both the organization and the organi-zation's employees by implementing effective and efficient interventions. To increase the probability of producing desirable results, it is important to utilize both systematic and systemic processes (Stolovitch & Keeps, 1999). Simply put, a systematic approach refers to constructing and following a step-by-step plan, similar to climbing a ladder one step at a time or following a road map, until reaching the desirable performance level. A systemic approach refers to considering all the necessary components that are mutually influential on one another by identifying often complex linkages among them. This approach is compared to a spider web in which strands are interconnected (Rothwell, 1995). When an area of a web is broken, it will not function well as a web, and without a fix it could eventually collapse. The importance of using systematic and systemic approaches and focusing on results-oriented and value-added practices has been emphasized in various HPT-related theo-worked many years apart, there are astounding similarities between their work in terms of the focus on systematically analyzing and systemically engineering human behavior to produce desirable performance outcomes. This article provides an overview of the contributions of Frederick Taylor and Thomas Gilbert to the development of the major performance improvement principles and discusses several similarities and differences between their work. (1856–1915), known as the father of scientific management, worked as an engineer during the late 19th century. His best known work at the Bethlehem Steel Company is described in his book The Principles of Scientific Management (1911/1998). He explained how to engineer human behavior and improve efficiency through scientifically designed management methods, such as appropriate selection, incentives, and training. Taylor asserted that " the principal object of management should be to secure the maximum prosperity for the employer, coupled with the maximum prosperity for each employee " (1998, p. 1). Scientific management is about producing a win-win situation wherein the performers as well as the organization benefit from improved performance.