Adaptive Kopplung des Netzfreien SPH-Verfahrens mit Finiten Elementen zur Berechnung von Impaktvorgaengen(Adaptive Coupling of the Mesh-Free SPH-Method with Finite Elements for the Calculation of Impact Events)
Abstract : Impact and penetration problems are of particular importance in many fields of engineering science, including wave propagation. Traditionally, mesh-based methods like the Finite Element Method have been used for their numerical analyses. Recently, mesh-free methods have attracted interest. The mesh-free "Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics" (SPH) method used in this work offers advantages in modelling both large deformations and behavior of failed material, because there are not fixed topological bonds between numerical sampling points. However, applicability of SPH-method was restricted due to its high computational expenses. The "Hybrid Approximation" presented in this report, a method for coupling the SPH-method with Finite Elements, allows for selective use of SPH in the discretization of a structure: SPH is used locally if large deformations occur, while otherwise Finite Elements are used.