To be confident in the prediction capability of a model, verification and validation steps are classically performed. Verification checks that the model is properly solved. Since the model used are fairly standard, this is not issue for brake components. Validation checks the relation between model and experiments on actual structures. Here geometry measurements and vibration tests are considered. The study seeks to perform a systematic review of how test quality is evaluated, and models are correlated and then updated. This will give a solid basis to define clear and easily used validations protocols for brake components where prediction of modes and their stability in the manufacturing process is often deemed critical. Updating the geometry before updating the material properties is shown to be very important: the residual error on frequencies is smaller and no bias is introduced in the estimated material properties. Proper pairing of modeshapes is important for broadband comparisons and the MAC criterion is used. Intermediate steps: experimental topology correlation using easy tools with accuracy evaluation, estimation of errors on test shapes, handling of mode crossing, are sources of errors that are analyzed. For the updating of contact properties, where many parameters may need update, the use of model reduction is shown to allow a major speed-up of parametric studies.
Etienne Balmès,et al.
O rthogonal Maximum Sequence Sensor Placements Algorithms for modal tests , expansion and visibility
Kok-Lim Low.
Linear Least-Squares Optimization for Point-to-Plane ICP Surface Registration
Etienne Balmes,et al.
The Component Mode Tuning (CMT) method. A strategy adapted to the design of assemblies applied to industrial brake squeal
Bert Pluymers,et al.
The Impact of High-Fidelity Model Geometry on Test-Analysis Correlation and FE Model Updating Results
Etienne Balmes,et al.
Improved Modal Assurance Criterion using a quantification of identification errors per mode/sensor
Marc Levoy,et al.
Efficient variants of the ICP algorithm
Proceedings Third International Conference on 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling.