Quality improvement for wire bond strength within the semiconductor manufacturing environment

Despite being an advanced technology, wire bonding in an actual manufacturing setting can greatly affect bond reliability. Many engineering parameters in upstream processes, if not controlled properly, may propagate downstream and limit the bond strength achievable during wire bonding. In this study, the DMAIC approach of Six Sigma methodology was used to improve the wire bonding quality of an opto–coupler device developed by an electronic manufacturing firm in Malaysia. Using the five distinctive phases of the DMAIC, the problem was methodologically defined and its contributors identified, which include the improper material handling procedure, the tilted pad, and the un–optimised bonding parameters. Corrective actions were deployed and the bond shear force of the device improved using the response surface methodology. The result is an in increase of the average bond shear force of the emitter and detector die from 57.2 g to 77.7 g and from 55.8 g to 66.5 g, respectively.