연조직 이식술과 넓은 computer aided design/computer aided mamufacturing 지대주를 이용한 임플란트 고정성 보철물의 출현윤곽 재현

Fixed restoration using implants for patients with posterior partial edentulism is generalized technique. As patient demands increase, the functional and esthetic implant restoration to achieve similar results to lost natural teeth is becoming an important issue. It is inevitable to use customized CAD/CAM abutments rather than ready-made abutments for the creation of implant prosthesis which closely resembles natural teeth. Using CAD/CAM abutment made it possible to obtain natural emergency profiles for posterior implant prostheses, ensuring more comfortable, efficient management of oral hygiene. However, keratinized gingiva with sufficient width and height for a natural emergence profile is required to use a large diameter CAD/CAM abutment which ensures stability and esthetics of hard/soft tissue around the implants. In this case, for esthetical and functional implant zirconia prosthesis, soft tissue graft was performed and customized CAD/CAM abutments were used following ridge augmentation, sinus graft and implantation. Satisfactory results were obtained functionally and esthetically through periodic clinical evaluation, and I hereby report this case.