Report of the American Society of Echocardiography Committee on Nomenclature and Standards in Two-dimensional Echocardiography.

The Committee recommends that when the transducer is placed in the suprasternal notch that it be referred to as in the suprasternal location. When the transducer is located near the midline of the body and beneath the lowest ribs, the transducer should be referred to as in the subcostal location. When the transducer is located over the apex impulse, the Committee recommends that this be referred to as the apical location. If the term apical is used alone, it will be assumed that this refers to a left-sided apical position. The area bounded superiorly by the left clavicle, medially by the sternum and inferiorly by the apical region will be referred to as the parasternal location. If the term parasternal is used alone, it will be assumed to be the left parasternal location. In those unusual situations in which the apex impulse is palpated on the right chest, a transducer placed over the right-sided apex impulse will be referred to as in the right apical location. The region bounded superiorly by the right clavicle, medially by the sternum and inferiorly by the right apical region will be referred to as the right parasternal location.