국가표준 한국 건축규정 스마트 e 시스템 구축

Building regulations in Korea vary according to organizations, such as National Legal Information Center, Enhanced Local Laws and Regulations Information System: ELIS, and Korea Construction Standards Center, which offer separate information system service. They limited the services only to simple text information or keyword search without considering the needs of users. Because these regulations overlap and contradict each other, the legal legislators/administrators are having difficulties managing various standards from different organizations. And due to the difficulties of searching for legitimate regulations applied to buildings in different conditions, the Legal users: admitters/designers frequently overlook legal issues. This study is to bring information together from different sources and to construct user-oriented building regulations information system(smarte system). To do this, we suggest customized regulations information service, which categorize information by characteristics: the procedure for building administration(tree structure) and the conditions of the individual building(screen condition) such as purpose, size, and story.