다단계 반응표면법을 이용한 치과용 임플란트의 3차원 형상최적설계
In this paper, an optimum design problem for endosseous implant in dentistry is studied to find best implant design. An optimum design problem is formulated to reduce stresses arising at the cortical as well as cancellous bones, in which sufficient design parameters are chosen for design definition that encompasses major implants in popular use. Optimization at once (OAO) with the large number of design variables, however, causes too costly solution or even failure to converge. A concept of multilevel optimization (MLO) is employed to this end, which is to group the design variables of similar nature, solve the sub-problem of smaller size for each group in sequence, and this is iterated until convergence. Each sub-problem is solved based on the response surface method (RSM) due to its efficiency for small sized problem.