The Fine Particle Emissions Information System: A New Public Data Bank.

The Fine Particle Emissions Information System (FPEIS) is a computerized follow-on of the Fine Particle Emissions Inventory developed by Midwest Research Institute in 1971 as part of the Particulate Systems Study. A plan to update the 1971 inventory was initiated in July 1974 by the Industrial Environmental Research Laboratory (IERL) at Research Triangle Park, NC. By early 1975, the planned update of the Fine Particle Emissions Inventory was supplanted by the concept of a computerized information system on fine particle emissions from stationary sources. The Fine Particle Emissions Information System is designed to contain source test data including particle size distributions; chemical, physical, and bioassay testing results performed on particulate samples; design and performance data on particle control systems applied; process descriptions of the sources; and descriptions of the sampling equipment and techniques employed.