Quantitative model for genome-wide cyclic AMP receptor protein binding site identification and characteristic analysis

Abstract Cyclic AMP receptor proteins (CRPs) are important transcription regulators in many species. The prediction of CRP-binding sites was mainly based on position-weighted matrixes (PWMs). Traditional prediction methods only considered known binding motifs, and their ability to discover inflexible binding patterns was limited. Thus, a novel CRP-binding site prediction model called CRPBSFinder was developed in this research, which combined the hidden Markov model, knowledge-based PWMs and structure-based binding affinity matrixes. We trained this model using validated CRP-binding data from Escherichia coli and evaluated it with computational and experimental methods. The result shows that the model not only can provide higher prediction performance than a classic method but also quantitatively indicates the binding affinity of transcription factor binding sites by prediction scores. The prediction result included not only the most knowns regulated genes but also 1089 novel CRP-regulated genes. The major regulatory roles of CRPs were divided into four classes: carbohydrate metabolism, organic acid metabolism, nitrogen compound metabolism and cellular transport. Several novel functions were also discovered, including heterocycle metabolic and response to stimulus. Based on the functional similarity of homologous CRPs, we applied the model to 35 other species. The prediction tool and the prediction results are online and are available at: https://awi.cuhk.edu.cn/∼CRPBSFinder.

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