DFL: Stata module to estimate DiNardo, Fortin and Lemieux Counterfactual Kernel Density

dfl estimates DiNardo, Fortin and Lemieux Counterfactual Kernel Densities. graph cfactual compares the (Depvar=0) distribution to the (Depvar=0) distribution that would have prevailed if they had been paid like (Depvar=1), ufactual compares the (Depvar=1) distribution to the counterfactual. These will be different to the extent that the X's of the two groups differ) and diff (difference between the how (Depvar=0) distribution that would have prevailed if they had been paid like (Depvar=1) and (Depvar=1) distribution). Some options require the use of Philippe van Kerm's akdensity routine from SJ (findit akdensity).