In small animal and organ dedicated PET scanners, the knowledge of depth of interaction (DOI) of the gamma ray along the main axis of the scintillator is a fundamental information in order to avoid parallax error and to achieve high performances in terms of spatial resolution. Recently we developed a new method to obtain the DOI function for a single side readout PET module, recirculating the scintillation light in the matrix by means of a mirror placed on top of the module. In a complete PET scanner, periodical DOI calibrations have to be performed to prevent time dependent miscalibrations and performance degradations. The current DOI calibration relies on a coincidence system between the module and an external scintillator to provide a priori the DOI information and it is clearly not feasible in a real system without unpractical disassemblies of the scanner. In this paper we develop instead a fast and precise calibration method based on uniform irradiation of the scintillators. Three irradiation modalities are presented, in particular one where the source is placed on top of the module, one with the source placed on one side of the module and one that exploits the internal radioactivity of the scintillator. The three different procedures are evaluated and the calibration method is validated by comparing the information provided by the coincidence setup.
G. Stringhini,et al.
Development of high-resolution detector module with depth of interaction identification for positron emission tomography
G. Stringhini,et al.
A new method for depth of interaction determination in PET detectors
Physics in medicine and biology.
M. Paganoni,et al.
Measurement of LYSO Intrinsic Light Yield Using Electron Excitation
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science.
Nicola Belcari,et al.
Positron Emission Tomography: Its 65 years
Stefan Seifert,et al.
Improving the Time Resolution of TOF-PET Detectors by Double-Sided Readout
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science.
Y. Shao,et al.
Use of internal scintillator radioactivity to calibrate DOI function of a PET detector with a dual-ended-scintillator readout.
Medical physics.
Y. Shao,et al.
A novel method to calibrate DOI function of a PET detector with a dual-ended-scintillator readout.
Medical physics.
H. Anger,et al.
Use of a Gamma-Ray Pinhole Camera for in vivo Studies