Meta-Petro: An Expert System for Training Undergraduates in Metamorphic Rocks Recognition and Classification Using Photomicrographies

Computer Algebra Systems (CASs) are convenient high-level programming languages that provide the programmer not only with symbolic capabilities and exact arithmetic, but also with different structures handling and plotting capabilities. We have used the CAS Maple as development tool for designing Meta-Petro, a system for training undergraduates in metamorphic rocks recognition and classification using photomicrographies. This expert system includes a collection of photomicrographies of thin sections of samples that are randomly presented to the user. The user can ask the system for details about: the different rocks, his guess of the solution and the right solution. Moreover, this information can be shown on the decision tree the system uses. As far as we know, in this field only “catalogs” with fixed photomicrographies have been developed so far.