The future of the telecommunications industry : forecasting and demand analysis

List of Contributors. Acknowledgements. 1. Introduction D.G. Loomis. Part I: Demand for New Products and Trends in Demand Analysis. 2. Telecommunications Demand Analysis in Transition: An Overview of Part I L.D. Taylor. 3. An Econometric Study of the Demand for Access to the Internet D.J. Kridel, et al. 4. Demand for and Use of Additional Lines by Residential Customers C.A. Cassel. 5. The Changing Market for Inland and International Calls D. Cracknell. 6. Demand Modeling at Bell Canada: A Retrospective C. Dineen, M. Abrar. 7. Effects of Large Price Reductions on Toll and Carrier Access Demand in California T.J. Tardiff. 8. Semi-Parametric Estimates of Intra-Lata Demand Elasticities A. Levy. Part II: Forecasting New Products and the Impact of Competition: An Overview of Part II D.G. Loomis. 10. Forecasting New Telecommunication Services at a 'Pre-Development' Product Stage A. Taschner. 11. Analysis of Customer Expectations for the Introduction of New Telecommunications Services I.M. Palombini, B. Sapio. 12. Limits to Growth in Telecom Markets? J.-P. Saether. 13. Forecasting Telephony Demand Against a Background of Major Structural Change D. Cracknell, C. Mason. 14. 161 Days of Full Competition - Some Observations from the German Market E.-O. Ruhle. 15. Competition in the Chinese Cellular Market: Promise and Problematic X. Yan, D.C. Pitt. Index.