Five littermate Cocker Spaniels were born with concomitant pericardial, diaphragmatic, caudal sternal, and cranioventral abdominal wall defects. Three of the 5 pups had ventricular septal defects. A sixth pup with a cranioventral abdominal wall defect died 4 days after birth. No history of teratogen exposure was reported, and none of the pups from previous litters of the dam was affected. Each pup underwent successful surgical correction (without median sternotomy) of the diaphragmatic and cranial abdominal wall defects when they were 10 to 12 weeks old. The ventricular septal defects were not corrected. In 2 of 3 pups with ventricular septal defects, thoracic radiography 6 months after surgery revealed moderate generalized cardiomegaly. All pups were healthy one year after surgery.