FUNDAMENTALS OF HARMONIC DISTORTION AND POWER QUALITY INDICES IN ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS Introduction Basics of Harmonic Theory Linear and Nonlinear Loads Fourier Series Power Quality Indices under Harmonic Distortion Power Quantities under Nonsinusoidal Situations References HARMONIC SOURCES Introduction The Signature of Harmonic Distortion Traditional Harmonic Sources Future Sources of Harmonics References STANDARDIZATION OF HARMONIC LEVELS Introduction Harmonic Distortion Limits References EFFECTS OF HARMONICS ON DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS Introduction Thermal Effects on Transformers Miscellaneous Effects on Capacitor Banks Abnormal Operation of Electronic Relays Lighting Devices Telephone Interference Thermal Effects on Rotating Machines Pulsating Torques in Rotating Machines Abnormal Operation of Solid-State Devices Considerations for Cables and Equipment Operating in Harmonic Environments References HARMONICS MEASUREMENTS Introduction Relevant Harmonic Measurement Questions Measurement Procedure Relevant Aspects References HARMONIC FILTERING TECHNIQUES Introduction General Aspects in the Design of Passive Harmonic Filters Single-Tuned Filters Band-Pass Filters Relevant Aspects to Consider in the Design of Passive Filters Methodology for Design of Tuned Harmonic Filters Example 1: Adaptation of a Power Factor Capacitor Bank into a Fifth Harmonic Filter Example 2: Digital Simulation of Single-Tuned Harmonic Filters Example 3: High-Pass Filter at Generator Terminals Used to Control a Resonant Condition Example 4: Comparison between Several Harmonic Mitigating Schemes Using University of Texas at Austin HASIP Program References OTHER METHODS TO DECREASE HARMONIC DISTORTION LIMITS Introduction Network Topology Reconfiguration Increase of Supply Mode Stiffness Harmonic Cancellation through Use of Multipulse Converters Series Reactors as Harmonic Attenuator Elements Phase Balancing Reference HARMONIC ANALYSES Introduction Power Frequency vs. Harmonic Current Propagation Harmonic Source Representation Harmonic Propagation Facts Flux of Harmonic Currents Interrelation between AC System and Load Parameters Analysis Methods Examples of Harmonic Analysis References FUNDAMENTALS OF POWER LOSSES IN HARMONIC ENVIRONMENTS Introduction Meaning of Harmonic-Related Losses Relevant Aspects of Losses in Power Apparatus and Distribution Systems Harmonic Losses in Equipment Example of Determination of K Factor Rotating Machines References INDEX
A. E. Emanuel.
Apparent power: components and physical interpretation
8th International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power. Proceedings (Cat. No.98EX227).
A. Testa,et al.
Power system subharmonics
IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, 2005.
W.J.M. Moore,et al.
On the Definition of Reactive Power Under Non-Sinusoidal Conditions
IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems.
J. M. Frank.
Origin, development, and design of K-factor transformers
Ward Jewell,et al.
Effects of harmonics on equipment
A. T. De Almeida.
Understanding power quality
A. E. Emanuel.
Powers in nonsinusoidal situations-a review of definitions and physical meaning
Pat Bodger,et al.
Power System Harmonics