Organização e trabalho: padrões de comprometimento dos profissionais que atuam na estratégia saúde da família

Understanding the relations with the work and employing organization besides indicating the implications for the structure formation, development and behavior of the individual are among the challenges in this field of knowledge. This study investigated the commitment with the organization and work (commitment dyad) of professionals from the Family Health Strategy at a Regional Health Management in Santa Catarina between 2005 and 2007. It aimed at identifying the commitment patterns with the organization and developed work and exploring the explicable factors for the commitment patterns found. The population comprised physicians, nurses, technicians and nursing assistants and dentists totaling 347 professionals and a sampling of 252 subjects, representing 72,62% of the population. The instrument comprised variables featuring the relations besides the measures of these constructs. The processed and analyzed data evidenced six patterns: doubly committed and non-committed, unilaterally committed with the organization and work, non-committed with the organization and work. The identified explicable variables were the organizational ones like human resources policies and the work ones like feedback, met expectancies, variety of abilities among others varying according to the identified patterns. The precariousness of the work was evidenced due to the association between the employment relation and the commitment dyad. Descriptors: Personnel Loyalty; Work; Family Health Program; Health Personnel.